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Welcome to Museumpalooza, a project that provides a non-traditional starting point for people to learn about museums and all the cool stuff inside of them. 



Housewarming registry

Greetings friends! If you’re reading this, it’s because you’ve asked about a housewarming gift to celebrate my impending move into my very first house, for which I’m deeply appreciative!

I have a variety of things that I could use, in a variety of price ranges, from different stores. I’ve tried to make it easier on you by compiling them all below.

Thank you so much for your friendship and support!

Gifts under $50

  • Yankee Candle - Autumn Wreath

  • Yankee Plugin refills - Autumn Wreath

Gifts under $100

  • stuff goes here

Gifts under $150

  • stuff goes here

Gifts under $200